Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The CIA, torture and the torture tapes

Recent revelations about the CIA destroying tapes which document their torture of terror suspects is intended to distract from the real culprits of this criminal act, the White House, even though some of the major players have come straight from its hallowed halls.

People who were nominated for key positions or later assumed key positions in this Administration have their finger prints all over the decision to destroy evidence which proves criminality. It seems everyone is trying to distance themselves from Bush's justification for torture, and particularly waterboarding from the FBI to the US Army.

It will be up to the other two branches of the government, the judicial and the legislative, to puruse this case which should end up in a prosecution. Just who remains to be seen. Bush has insulated himself with the likes of hapless Attorney Generals, advisors, and aides who seem willing to take the fall. Scooter Libby and the Valerie Plame scandal is a good example.

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