Two Senators Call for New Leader in Iraq
The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, after completing a two-day tour of Iraq, said Monday that the government of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki should be voted from office because it has proved incapable of reaching the political compromises required to end violence there.
The Democratic chairman, Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, and the committee’s ranking Republican, Senator John W. Warner of Virginia, who traveled to Iraq together, issued a joint statement that was only slightly more temperate than Mr. Levin’s remarks. They warned that in the view of politicians in Washington, and of the American people, “time has run out” on attempts to forge a political consensus in Baghdad.
Mr. Levin said that in his view, the political stalemate in Iraq could be attributed to Mr. Maliki and other senior Iraqi officials who were unable to operate independently of religious and sectarian leaders.
I don't know if this call for Maliki to resign is due to his ties to Tehran, or his government's inability to pass an oil bill that satisfies his constituents as well as the occupiers, but it surely has nothing to do with his government's inability to quell the violence. In fact, neocons probably want the violence to continue in order to legitimize their calls for a partition of Iraq. Stay tuned.
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