Saturday, December 8, 2007

Who's the threat?

It really does depend on who's doing the talking and to which audience. In a talk in Bahrain, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates was reminded of concerns people in that part of the world have about US policy in the region. He had this to say

When challenged to comment on the perceived double standard policies adopted by the US towards Iran and Israel, Gates said that "Israel is not training terrorists to subvert its neighbours. It has not shipped weapons into a place like Iraq to kill thousands of innocent civilians covertly. It has not threatened to destroy any of its neighbours. It is not trying to destabilise the government of Lebanon". And when asked whether Israel's nuclear programme threatened Middle East stability, he answered: "No, I do not [think]."

I like that the editors inserted "think" into Gates' comments. Of course he's incorrect and shortsighted. The Israeli raid into Syria earlier this year and their incursion into Lebanon last year are reason enough for anyone with a clear vision devoid of heavy handed likud spin to understand any Gulf state's concern.

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