Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Saved from the memory hole

We've already noted some in Israel have said they DO NOT consider Iran or their acquisition of nuclear weapons to be a threat to their existence. Mutually Assured Destruction, MAD, does work, despite its inherent insanity. Now comes word the Israelis don't have anything definitive to bring to the table to convince the US to attack Iran.
The official said it was clear that the Americans pretty much know what Israel knows about the Iranian nuclear program and that the difference is not over the facts but rather over their interpretation.

In other words spin is the order of the day, and the full court press has begun in all levels. This is very reminiscent of the lead up to the Iraq war. Look for plenty of disinformation and name calling to compliment the lies about when, how long and the capability of Iranian nuclear weapons will be before it's all finished.

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