Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Solution to the Maliki/Iran problem?

Perhaps the US has found a solution to the problem of the apparent Maliki/Iran alliance mentioned in these pages just yesterday. In response to Maliki's glowing assessment of his country's relationship with a troublesome Iran, as far as the US administration is concerned, President Bush said such troublemakers would have to be dealt with. News reports said Bush's reference was to Iran, but I expressed doubts. Now comes this headline from today.

Iraqi Sunni cleric urges U.S. to abandon Maliki


Should the US government do just as this cleric wants one might very well see the end of the Maliki government. If Sunnis were to align themselves with nationalist Shias that could spell the end of Maliki and his Iran ties. That's not necessarily a bad thing as far as this Administration is concerned. Calls for partition of Iraq are making more and more traction in the government/media world.

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